Canoe and Kayak Paddlers, meetup group. Beginner/intermediate paddles in many parts of the Bay Area.
Bay Area Sea Kayakers, the group for serious sea kayakers. Centered around San Francisco, Oakland area. “Dress for immersion!” The BASK website “Trip Plannner” shows all kinds of information on places to paddle, tides and currents, weather, etc.
Kayakers Alliance, meetup group
Lodi Paddle Club, a meetup group
Motherlode Padling Section, a Sierra Club section around Sacramento. Active canoeing and kayak schedule. The best way to get information on the group is to contact Larry Deckard at ladeckard@yahoo.com.
North Bay Kayakers, meetup group
Petaluma Paddlers Kayak Club, a very active group, free to join. Most trips are in the North Bay out to Pt Reyes area. Join by joining their Yahoo Group. Serious concentration on potluck lunches.
POST, A whitewater canoe club based in Oakland – nice bunch of people with lots of experience.
Sacramento Sea Kayakers, paddle Sac area and Sierra lakes, Delta rivers, and the central coast.
Thurseve Paddlers, These guys get together every Thursday to paddle around the Bay in the dark in all conditions. Mostly BASK members. Famous for parties on remote beaches. Paddles are recounted on their Blog.
Western Sea Kayakers, sea kayaking group centered in the South Bay area.
Western Waters Canoe Club, open boat paddlers group centered around San Jose.
General resources:
American Canoe Association: the national association for all paddle sports.
BRT Insights Paddleboating Guide for Rivers of California, all kinds of information on California rivers, mostly whitewater but some flatwater too. River guides, trip reports and more.
California Creeks : information source for boating on moving water
Great American Days provides some general information about different kinds of kayaking
Chicken Ranch Beach
Tomales Bay
Just past Inverness as you are going toward Pt Reyes. Following Sir Francis Drake Blvd; pass through Inverness itself, and continue just past Blue Waters Kayaking. There is a pull off on the right side of the road and an outhouse. Trail leads down to the beach. If you start going up the hill you have gone too far.
Cosumnes River Preserve
near Lodi
The preserve is located just east of I-5. It is about 12 miles north of Route 12 which goes through Lodi, and about 20 miles south of Sacramento. From I-5, exit onto Twin Cities Road. Go EAST on Twin Cities Road for about 1 mile to Franklin Blvd. Turn RIGHT (south) on Franklin Blvd and continue for about 1.5 miles to the Visitor Center. Use the large parking lot just past the Visitor Center drive way. Toilets located in parking area. Long walk to put-in from car, bring wheels.
Cuttings Wharf (public boat launch)
Napa River
South of the town of Napa. From Highway 29, go west on 12/121. Turn left, (south), on Cuttings Wharf road. Follow Cuttings Wharf Road to the end (note: Cuttings Warf Road takes a Y to the left). Parking lot, outhouse.
Delta Meadows State Recreation Area
This location has been closed by the State Parks Dept. The best near by put-in is Wimpey’s Marina, Walnut Grove..
Drakes Estero
Point Reyes
(formally known as Drakes Bay Oyster Co. and Johnson’s Oyster Farm)
Follow Sir Francis Drake through Inverness. Follow signs toward the lighthouse. Turn Left on Oyster Company Road to end. Launch from the Oyster Farm. Outhouses are available. Put-in is very muddy at low tide.