About us

Canoes and kayaks on a water bank.


Hi, and thanks for paddlin’ on down to the web page of the Marin Canoe & Kayak Club! First, we’d like to tell you a bit about the club—where we’ve been, where we are, where we’re going.
We started waa-a-a-ay back in 1965, when a half dozen or so folks got together at the Kentfield, California, home of Ann Dwyer, canoeist extraordinaire, to talk about organizing a canoe club. The club’s purpose would be to encourage and promote the sport of canoeing and to provide instruction in order to improve canoeing safety.

MC&KC’s charter members included active and ardent canoeists. Ann herself was teaching canoe classes at the time. She went on to invent the Kiwi Kayak and led canoe and kayak trips all over the world and wrote a book on canoeing waters of Northern California. Elizabeth Terwilliger, another of the original organizers, was leading canoe trips along with hikes and bicycle outings. She would become practically world famous for her outdoor education activities with kids.

Others who attended that first meeting were young couples who thought canoeing would be a great, inexpensive way to have fun with their kids. From that first potluck, MC&KC grew in numbers and activities, drawing members of all ages who enjoyed an impressive schedule of organized, volunteer-led trips on lakes, rivers, bays and esteros all over California and beyond, canoe and kayak races and skills contests, fun days, and canoe/kayak classes.
Ann Dwyer, along with Gordon Young, another charter member, organized the Quentin Canoers for students of high school and college age. Their canoe-camping expeditions took them on many of Northern California’s rivers.
We hold our annual potluck dinner in January, a combined business meeting and social event. Members share stories and show photographs and slides of the previous year’s trips. We schedule “skills days” through the canoeing season, combining canoeing and kayaking instruction with races and other water fun, topped off with a barbecue. Another tradition is our canoe-camping get-together at Kidd Lake in the Sierra every summer. Over sixty kids, canoeists, kayakers, and campers enjoyed the event last year.

A prime benefit of club membership is our trip schedule day outings on local waterways, moonlight excursions where the lights and images of the above-water world are magically mirrored all around you, week-long canoe-camping adventures on more distant rivers and lots more.

A painting from artist Alan Dunham.
A painting by club member and artist Alan Dunham


Hi, and thanks for paddlin’ on down to the web page of the Marin Canoe & Kayak Club! First, we’d like to tell you a bit about the club—where we’ve been, where we are, where we’re going.
We started waa-a-a-ay back in 1965, when a half dozen or so folks got together at the Kentfield, California, home of Ann Dwyer, canoeist extraordinaire, to talk about organizing a canoe club. The club’s purpose would be to encourage and promote the sport of canoeing and to provide instruction in order to improve canoeing safety.

The club was founded in Marin County in the mid 1960’s by several people and families who were interested in canoeing. We have heard different stories about its formation and early days from different old timers. Its worth noting that Ann Dwyer became a nationally known pioneer of kayaking.

Below are some remembrances written down by Stephen Starkweather, who grew up in the club.

Beginnings of the Marin Canoe Club in the 1960’s-Stephen Starkweather

In May 2012, Sue Beittel shared some of her memories of the very beginnings of Marin Canoe Club. She still lives in Terra Linda and is in her mid-90’s. Terra Linda, now part of San Rafael , which is where it all started.
Sue recalls that three ladies met at the Marin Civic Center Lagoon. Ann Dwyer was one of them and she was offering to give a canoe lesson for the other two, Sue Beittel and Nikki Strandgaard. Ann arranged this meeting for the three of them, and the year was probably 1965. Sue has just found records that she and her husband Dan purchased their canoe in February of that year, and that they paid their first canoe club dues of $10 in February of 1966.
Sue describes more:“Arlene Andersen joined us early on – she had a cabin at Soda Springs and suggested summer trips at Kidd Lake – she made all of the early arrangements. Ann (Dwyer) started the pot luck dinners each year in about January at her home in Kentfield. Dan (Beittel) started the tradition of happy hour by bringing wine, other drinks and snacks when we went on trips. I think we also started the tradition of volley ball at Kidd Lake (usually on an island in the lake). I know we always brought the net and ball.”

Sue has also mentioned the following old ‘loyal’ Marin Canoe members: Nancy Schlegel, Doris Hunker, and Luisa Arndt.

I (Stephen) also have so many memories. I especially remember the following early families: Wilma & Bill Follette & Family, the Browns, Torbin & Nikki Strandgaard & Family, Gordon & Gladys Young & Family, the Marneys, Ken & Gerrie Reichard, Tom & Thelma Martin & Family, and of course my family John & Jean Starkweather & Family.

My mother Jean also just found an old file box complete with the old rosters, trip schedules, and the newsletters named “Ca-News.” Just to give you an example, here is the wonderful-sounding and extensive trip schedule for the year 1967:1) Russian River/Alexander Valley; 2) Corte Madera Creek; 3) San Antonio Estero; 4) Navarro River; 5) American River from Nimbus Dam; 6) Soda Springs Area overnight; 7) Albion River; 8) Hog Island overnight; and 9) Bolinas Lagoon.


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Marin Canoe & Kayak Club

822 Louisa Ave

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

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